About the research branch of the APCQ
In 2019, research became one of the main missions of the Quebec Cranberry Growers Association (APCQ). Our team's main fields of activity are horticulture, plant protection, pollination and cultural practices, but works in close collaboration with partners with complementary expertise.
Find out more about research projects Integrated pest management video clips
Our Research Team
Didier Labarre
Head of Research
Gabriel Ayotte-Breton
Project manager
Yannick Arel-Rheault
Research assistant
Marie-Josée Duval
Research assistant
François Gervais
Alice De Donder
Research professionnal
Research Prioritization Commitee
It is the members of the prioritization committee, mostly made up of cranberry producers, who target the cultural or environmental issues that need to be explored through research.
- Cassandra Le Moine, Bureau Le Moine (producer member)
- Michel Vézina, Atocas St-Joseph (producer member)
- Rémi Asselin, Canneberges des cyprès (producer member)
- Patrick Riendeau, Canneberges Sakota (producer member)
- Pierre-Luc Leblanc, Canneberges Bieler
- Mylène Blier, Groupe Tornade rouge (producer member)
- Simon Bonin, Canneberge Bieler (producer member)
- Matteo Conti, Ocean Spray (handler member)
- Jocelyne Moreau, Fruit d'Or (handler member)
- Virginie Deshaies-Morin, Citadelle (handler member)
- Jean-Pierre Deland (membre émérite)
- François Gervais, agronomist (CETAQ)
- Jacinthe Leblanc (MAPAQ)
- Léon-Étienne Parent (Administrator Centre de Recherche et d'Innovation sur la Canneberge)