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Cranberry Workers
Various laws outline employment conditions within an agricultural business or other entreprise. Here, we mention two main laws to which employers must conform. However, this section in no means pretends to cover the entire subject of dealing with the labour force.
Labour Standards
As an employer in Quebec, you are subject to the Quebec Labour Standards law which encompasses work conditions within your cranberry operation. This law prescribes the duration of the work, minimum wage, annual vacation and holidays, break times and employee absence.
To see the law in its entirety
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To visit the Quebec Commission for Work Standards, Equity, Health and Safety (CNESST) website
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Quebec Commission for Work Standards, Equity, Health and Safety (CNESST)
As operator of a cranberry operation in Quebec with at least one employee, full time or not, including independent contractors considered as workers, you must register with the CNESST as an employer.
For more information concerning the CNESST
Visit website