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(February 14, 2020)
Protocol for the introduction into Quebec territory of bees from a region considered AT RISK of infestation by the small hive beetle in 2020
Any beekeeper planning to permanently (sale) or temporarily (commercial pollination) import colonies, nuclei, packages of bees or queens into the territory of Québec must have an authorization to import bees into Québec issued by the Direction de la santé animale (DSA) of the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation (MAPAQ).
For 2020, the regions considered at risk are the Fraser Valley (in British Columbia), Ontario and New Brunswick.
Download the PDF: Protocol introduction into Quebec territory of bees from a region considered at risk [204 Ko]
Protocol for the introduction into Quebec territory of bees from a region that IS NOT CONSIDERED AT RISK of infestation by small beehive beetle in 2020 must be used for the introduction of bees from other canadian regions.
Download the PDF: Protocol introduction into Quebec territory of bees from a region that is NOT considered at risk [196 Ko]
* The document in English is a courtesy translation, refer to the protocol in French. *
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- Source: (accessed February 14, 2020)